Private addresses
in Germany
B2C addresses from the market leader
The Consumer TargetBase for your B2C Direct Marketing
Use our private address data pool to open up efficient targeting options with a wide range of target group potential.
Compile your list of private addresses for direct marketing.
Select your desired criteria and regional restrictions.
Write to your customers of tomorrow via your lettershop today.
Unbeatable reach and depth of selection
With the help of various pool partners, we are able to provide you with the largest and most comprehensive private address database in Germany. Billions of valuable additional features such as consumer behavior or socio-demographics as well as additional information from two unique in-house surveys round off the inventory: the Schober individual house valuation as well as Germany’s largest household survey, the Lifestyle Market Analysis and Consumer Survey.
At a glance
58 million private addresses – with our extensive B2C marketing database you can reach almost all households in Germany
Additional features on consumer behavior, main interests, socio-demographics, etc. ensure individual target group selections
Accurate targeting with the help of microgeographic consumer information
Data protection compliant use