Schober udo

New universal platform for data-driven marketing and sales digitization

– Schober udo combines CDP and DMP
– Customer Journey Analytics, but DSGVO compliant
– Data sovereignty as a prerequisite for digital value creation remains with the user


udo flowStuttgart, Germany, Oct. 21, 2019 – Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH introduces the Schober Universal Data Orchestration Platform (udo), a newly developed platform for data-driven marketing: Marketers optimize marketing communication and gain behavior-based insights with Schober udo. Schober udo combines all available data sources in the company in real time to provide a data-based and complete representation of the customer journey. Visualization, analytics and AI provide real-time analysis and insights. To predict customer behavior and improve the dialog, the platform assigns all IDs to the respective target groups and plays out the messages along the customer journey – personalized and cross-channel. Schober udo thus bundles data, know-how and tools for personalized customer dialog in a single platform. This is customer journey analytics, but DSGVO-compliant. The user of the platform retains control over the data as a prerequisite for digital value creation that complies with data protection requirements.


Map data, break down silos, use third-party data

Schober udo combines functionalities of a Customer Data Platform (CDP) and a Data Management Platform (DMP). To do this, Schober udo combines customer data from a wide variety of data silos into a single customer view. Data mapping is done via an intelligent data layer, interfaces to over 1,000 source systems are available without the need for further customization. Schober udo synchronizes source, analysis and campaign systems in real time. While the platform can also be used exclusively with First Data, it also provides access to the entire Schober data universe at the touch of a button. In this way, additional information can be added to the company’s own customer and journey data (“first data”) using third-party data.


Dashboards make analytics and AI intuitive

Which target groups promise the highest popularity? How does the target group react at the touchpoints? What is the next best step? Schober udo answers such questions with analysis tools and extracts actionable information and insights from data. For example, AI helps identify patterns in the sales process in real time. Marketers benefit from data-driven marketing without extensive training. Dashboards make analytics and AI intuitive to use.


Universal platform for data-driven marketing

Schober udo is based exclusively on real purchasing behavior, not on the expected customer journey. To do this, the platform combines all data on customer interactions across channels into a single profile and determines the next most promising steps while the interaction is still taking place. Marketers measure results in real time with feedback loops and KPIs, and on the dashboard they orchestrate their customers’ customer journey in a precise, personalized, and sales-boosting way. Schober udo as a new universal platform for data-driven marketing delivers DSGVO-compliant customer journey analytics.

“For us, it’s been like this so far,” says Martina Timmer, Managing Director of “We faced a big dilemma when looking for technology for customer journey analytics. Either the provider offers technology and strong messages, but has no data for training its own technology. Whereas AI in particular needs good training data to become intelligent. Or we had the opportunity to use the known big platforms and pay for this with our data sovereignty. Schober udo solves the dilemma: The platform offers both high-quality data and intelligent technology. In addition, Schober udo works DSGVO-compliant and respects our data sovereignty as platform users,” emphasizes Martina Timmer. “The Schober Universal Data Orchestration (udo) Platform sets new standards in data-driven marketing. The platform finally makes the 360-degree customer view real, analyzes the customer journey in real time and can thus individualize customer interaction across channels. At the same time, marketers and their customers retain full control over their data,” says Martin Brahm, Chief Sales Officer of Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH.


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