Sports industry
automates marketing & sales




Sie möchten Ihre freien Tickets vermarkten, Ihre Merchandise-Umsätze erhöhen und Ihren Hospitality-Bereich besser auslasten?
Am besten ohne eigene Ressourcen?
Dann sollten Sie jetzt den digitalen Spieler udo kennenlernen!

udo steht für universal data orchestration und ist eine Kombination aus Data Value Management und Customer Data Plattform.

udo automatisiert Ihre Marketing- und Vertriebsprozesse. Sie sparen nicht nur wertvolle Ressourcen, sondern steigern gleichzeitig Ihren Umsatz.

Unser “Sport udo” …

merges your data sources. cleans up your databases. expands your data with the Schober data universe. uses machine learning for modern analysis of your fans and members. automates the expansion of your existing customer base. finds new sponsors for you.

udo Logo

Erfahren Sie hier, wie Sie sich durch den Einsatz von udo echte Wettbewerbsvorteile verschaffen. 

What can udo do for you?

A few highlights in the area of sport…

You keep your data clean!

A reliable database is the basis for all successful marketing and sales activities. udo cleanses your data and consolidates it from any source. This gives you a cleansed and consolidated marketing database (data lake) with a 360° view of member data, fan store data, ticketing, etc.

Get to know your fans and members!

udo’s integrated data universe with billions of attributes provides you with incomparable customer insights. Customers from your industry use customer lifetime value or customer segment analyses, for example. udo already has a large number of valuable analyses, but we are happy to tailor analyses to your specific needs.

You will find new members!

With targeted campaigns, udo converts your fans into members. In addition, udo can use geofencing at your sporting events to target campaigns to previously unregistered visitors.

udo processes your after-sales automatically!

udo automates your up-sell and cross-sell processes so that you can boost your merchandise sales or hospitality bookings, for example.

Your members remain satisfied!

Automate your general member communication with udo (e.g. greeting, app download, birthday, general information on games and special events) to stay in constant contact with your fans. A churn forecast integrated into udo helps you to take measures in good time to ensure that your members stay your members.

You gain new sponsors!

Simply leave the sponsor acquisition to udo. He will analyze your current sponsors, find new potential in the Schober data universe and manage the acquisition campaigns via various channels.

show more
Thanks to the partnership with Schober, VfB will be able to structure its data management much better and more efficiently in future. This is an important building block for further improving the quality of service at VfB. This further development should be noticeable for our fans and also make new offers possible.
Rouven Kasper, Vorstand Marketing und Vertrieb des VfB Stuttgart
Rouven Kasper, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer
VfB Stuttgart
VfB Stuttgart

Official Club Partner of VfB Stuttgart

Premium partner of TVB Stuttgart

No opt-in for advertising?

No problem!

We compare your CRM data with our data universe, which has over 20 million advertising consents. We select the hits and send your advertising content to your CRM database with our data protection-compliant e-mail or postal campaign.


Would you like to know more about our “Sport udo”?
We are looking forward to your inquiry.

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