How to work with udo …

… Digitize CRM, sales and marketing.

Get to know udo – the Customer Data Platform “PLUS” from Schober – in a short video and learn what the “PLUS” means and thus what makes udo so unique. Have fun … and don’t forget to turn on the sound 😉


udo Video



udo = universal data orchestration:
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  • Digitized sales shorten and accelerate path to the customer
  • universal data orchestration (udo) reduces effort by up to 90 percent
  • bevo combines udo with bearch and expects 2,000 qualified leads
Frank Bieletzki

Stuttgart, February 02, 2021 – Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH is implementing the sales digitization of technical wholesaler bevo GmbH with udo (universal data orchestration). The specialist for water technology wants to grow strongly in the digital business and has introduced udo for this purpose. Since June, the project team has implemented numerous applications on udo that relieve the burden on salespeople: new leads, better lead nurturing, more conversion. In addition, sales automation frees up significant resources for more intensive customer support.

“…the way to the customer faster and shorter”.

Sales in technical wholesale have changed significantly in two respects: “On the one hand, product sales have been replaced by solution sales. Secondly, our customers are communicating more online. Therefore, bevo has decided to grow digitally. With Schober, we are making the path to the customer faster and shorter,” says Frank Bieletzki, Managing Director of bevo Vertriebs GmbH. The company sells water technology for use in gardens, agriculture, building and environmental technology or even in plant construction. This makes new customer acquisition enormously time-consuming, because bevo targets customers in very different niche markets – garden and landscape contractors, pool builders, farmers and industrial architects. The solution: Sales and marketing automation with udo, the Customer Data Platform “PLUS” from Schober.

Sales and marketing automation: cross- and upselling

Acquiring new contacts for sales more easily and shortening the path from the first contact to the sale – with these goals, bevo opts for Schober after a three-month test. With udo, the technical foundation for automating sales and marketing has been laid. Nine applications are currently projected, five are already in use, and others are being planned. In this way, udo specifically identifies opportunities for cross-selling and upselling. Analytics and AI identify revenue-driving product combinations from order data and purchase history. If you buy PE pipes, for example, you also need glue. If he doesn’t buy it right away, udo sends a trigger email with offers. For more complex options, the contact goes to a sales consultant.

New customers, but 90 percent less effort

Another udo application optimizes the acquisition of new customers – for example in the niche market of automated garden watering. Before udo (and Covid-19), bevo held nationwide roadshows with training sessions on this. Today, in combination with bearch, udo determines market potential and new customers automatically. Additional advantage through bearch: Leads can be tapped directly via features from the online world before they are invited to webinars and trained. Only then do salespeople make personal contact and advise on finding solutions until the sale is closed. Managing Director Bieletzki makes a clear calculation: “We used to need around 100 working days for the roadshow; with udo we generate the same number of customers in ten working days. That’s 90 percent less effort.”

More applications from udo

bevo continues to automate its marketing and sales activities with other applications based on udo. In addition to web analytics, cross-channel tracking and next-best-action trigger campaigns, there are high expectations for a lead scoring project. Assessing actual sales opportunities ensures clear prioritization of sales activities and higher productivity, says Frank Bieletzki.

“With udo, we are significantly increasing our digital sales. We expect to generate up to 2,000 additional leads per year. The path to the customer is shorter and faster, which is a convincing result from the cooperation with Schober,” says Frank Bieletzki, Managing Director of bevo Vertriebs GmbH.

“bevo has set new standards in data-driven sales. In doing so, udo and bearch provide the B2B water specialist with the appropriate technological basis to digitize even the particularly high demands in a very specialized market environment,” Martin Brahm, Managing Director of Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH, is pleased to report.

bevo image

Image source: bevo


Whether in the garden or in agriculture, in building and environmental technology or in plant construction, bevo is the professional partner for projects in water technology. As part of the European MegaGroup, bevo benefits from a broad product portfolio, a modern logistics infrastructure and over 75 years of experience in water technology. With over 20,000 products, the range offers the right solution for all water technology needs. A dedicated service team is available to advise on the selection of suitable components and their installation. For more information, please visit:


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bruno banani relies on udo as a sales turbo

  • Customer Journey Analysis & Control through udo, the Customer Data Platform (CDP “PLUS”) from Schober
  • Connected marketing personal and automatic for campaigns like #Free State of Mind bruno banani (#FSOMBB)
  • Consulting firm Sherlock & Watson designs and advises

Stuttgart, 28.09. 2020 – The Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH has once again convinced: The underwear and lifestyle label bruno banani has chosen udo (universal data orchestration) platform introduced, a next-generation CDP “PLUS”. udo has been live since September 2020. With the new platform for data-driven marketing, bruno banani is taking off and taking customers on a journey – for example, to the virtual “new land” of the #FSOMBB campaign. A CRM database first brings together all available data sources. Then, analytics, AI, and visualization determine the crucial insights from the customer journeys so that bruno banani can address target groups in a cross-channel, personalized, and successful manner. The control center is a management cockpit with a marketing plan, campaign management, KPIs and controlling. The project was realized by the Schober Information Group together with the consulting firm Sherlock & Watson Marketing and Data Investigations as implementation partner.


What does digitization mean for bruno banani? Data as an asset!

“Retail is changing, and so is the media,” says Jan Jassner, Managing Director of bruno banani, to outline the initial situation of the project: “So what does digitalization mean for bruno banani? In addition to specialist retailers, there are more and more sales channels with direct customer contact. That’s why we need our own and direct customer access for growth. At the same time, the channels for addressing customers are differentiating and multiplying.” So it’s clear: bruno banani needs to know more about its customers in order to master structural change. The key is customer data. And so bruno banani decides to systematically develop data as an asset.


Future question: How does bruno banani gain knowledge about customers from data?

Data from webshop, newsletter and other data sources were available, but a consolidated overall view and evaluation tools were missing. In the discussion with consulting firm Sherlock & Watson, however, it quickly became clear – according to Jan Jassner – that the first step was to clarify the status quo, goals and structures before looking for a suitable technology. Finally, after intensive market evaluation, the decision is made in favor of udo, because “the question for the future is: How does bruno banani gain knowledge about customers from data? If you don’t know your customers, you can’t fulfill their wishes,” says Jan Jassner. And udo is convincing because it offers high flexibility in data mapping, excellent evaluation options, visualization, data excellence, DSGVO compliance and the option of a financial and management dashboard.


No sooner said than done: now udo is learning for bruno

bruno banani advertising image 2

Image source: bruno banani underwear GmbH

In March, a team from Sherlock & Watson and Schober will start Phase II of the implementation: In several workshops, interfaces will be defined, data models designed and a wide variety of data sources linked. A CRM database with all customer, product and transaction data is created. Whether web store, outlet or retailer, the goal is a 360-degree view. Phase III follows, in which Schober data is used to ensure data quality and lay the foundation for analytics, persona building and integrated artificial intelligence. In the final phase, the team develops data-driven campaigns that correlate customers, measures, and results. This allows udo and its AI to learn from the experience and determine which customer is best approached when, how and on which channel. The deeper understanding of the customer journey provides target group-specific triggers and automatically and efficiently controls the corresponding campaigns. The customers are happy: Welcome to the Free State of Mind bruno banani – not for everybody!


“We’ve been revolutionizing lingerie drawers since 1993, and now we’re also revolutionizing our marketing and all customer communications. bruno banani is ideally positioned with udo to systematically tap into data as an asset,” says Jan Jassner, Managing Director bruno banani GmbH. “The team at Schober and Sherlock & Watson has opened up incredible horizons for us. bruno banani now has great opportunities in marketing. Working with both project partners is a tremendous asset. I am looking forward to the upcoming campaigns for #FSOMBB,” says Jan Jassner, Managing Director bruno banani GmbH.


“bruno banani is setting new standards in data-driven marketing. udo finally makes the 360-degree customer view real, analyzes the customer journey in real time and individualizes customer interaction across channels,” says Martin Brahm, Chief Sales Officer of Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH.


About bruno banani underwear GmbH:

The international cult brand for underwear and swimwear, based in Chemnitz, Germany, has been revolutionizing lingerie drawers all over the world since 1993. Founded by the business economist Wolfgang Jassner, the company wrote marketing and sales history within a very short time: campaigns such as the luge named Bruno Banani at the Olympic Games or the test of bruno banani underwear in space on the MIR space station brought the family business international attention. Meanwhile, bruno banani exports to 17 countries worldwide and has granted various product licenses. The products are available through the online store, outlet stores, and select specialty retail stores.


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