People at Schober

Dr. Oliver Wick

Solutions for data management, tailor-made at the North Sea

Menschen bei Schober

udo’s iPhone approach, the perfect combination

“Characteristic for me? The curiosity to understand the world and – like my children – to experience miracles every day,” says Oliver Wick. “Because that shows that you can always find completely different solutions. I love problem sets that you can’t immediately see through.” Oliver has been a Schoberian since the beginning of the year. In keeping with his passion, the doctor of physics and senior consultant in sales solves complex challenges and offers customized solutions. He finds udo’s iPhone approach unique. What else keeps him busy? Family, physics, science fiction and always data, data quality and the question of how to gain insights from data. How it’s all connected?

Dr. Oliver Wick

Honest skin from East Frisia

His life’s journey begins in East Frisia. This is where Oliver was born and raised in a “loving home and cocoon.” Parents encourage their own thinking and questioning of adopted ideas. At the same time, they convey a fundamental set of values – solidarity, openness and honesty are among them. “I think that shaped by my childhood I am a very open and honest person. I see the world and people positively and want to do the right thing, not something, somehow,” Oliver emphasizes. The customer also feels the “honest skin” in business. That’s why you trust him and realize that it’s about the best solution. “When I advise customers, it’s so that we can do it right together. Buying, that’s what the customer does by himself.”

From the north to the southwest

Even at a young age, he got into the habit of thinking around corners and getting to the bottom of things. His choice of study fits in with this: He chooses physics as a subject after school because it “requires a diverse and colorful approach to new things.” No sooner said than done – he began his studies in Braunschweig and then transferred to Göttingen. The search for a doctoral advisor ultimately leads him to Freiburg, right in the southwest. Oliver worked here for five years as a scientist, sparing neither complex questions nor effort. At the end is the doctorate in experimental physics. Does he miss scientific work today? “No, as a senior consultant, my current day-to-day work is actually not that different. Here, too, it’s all about understanding, exploring new things and finding creative solutions. However, today I have intensive contact with customers, which is a huge benefit for me.”

Mediator for added value between customer and opportunities

Oliver initially started his career as a programmer at a large German systems house, working on traffic planning in Japan, among other things. It quickly becomes apparent what he really enjoys: dealing with people. He is moving to Uniserv, where he will focus on topics related to data, data quality, master data management and customer data management. “I see myself as a mediator between the customer and his requirements on the one hand and what is technically feasible on the other,” is how he describes his self-image. As a team leader, senior consultant and senior sales manager, Oliver takes on many projects and gains valuable experience with medium-sized companies and large corporations. “Resourcefulness and creativity are just as much in demand as deep technical understanding to turn them into a solution for the customer’s requirements. Success is always solution selling, which means creating added value for the customer.”

“Listen and stay innovative”

He sees the relationship with the customer like a relationship. “Before you start the business collaboration, the relationship builds first. And just like getting to know each other, it has to spark. Listening and remaining innovative is then central to further consulting,” Oliver tells us. Because even if it is convenient to solve all challenges with the same method – keyword pigeonhole thinking – success lies in the consultation and the solution developed from it. To do this, Oliver needs not only broad expertise but also the ability to think outside the box and rethink solutions.

udo’s iPhone approach, the perfect combination…

Seeking and taking new paths – this is a constant that eventually leads Oliver to the Schober Information Group. The Management buyout makes him curious. “When I saw how consistently the three managing directors in Schober’s management were breaking new ground, I sought out the conversation to see if we were a good fit,” he says, adding, “And we are a good fit!” Oliver joined the sales team in January 2022, bringing years of experience working with data, data management and analytics. Interested parties can look forward to customized solutions for their data management.

The physicist with a doctorate is particularly fascinated
the flagship offer of the Schober Information Group udo.
“The iPhone approach of udo is ingenious, the perfect combination of many applications and these simply packaged,” he says enthusiastically and emphasizes: “There is hardly a second tool on the market that provides this combination in a single application: an MDM including data enrichment from the Schober data universe, the complete analytics area including machine learning as well as a target group-driven campaign tool. From breaking down the data silos to the targeted campaign, everything is implemented automatically. Unique!”

During his time at Schober, he has found competence and cordiality above all: “Decades of experience are paired with a spirit of enthusiasm and cordial cooperation. There is also a great atmosphere of optimism, which makes me happy to come to the office in Stuttgart :-)”.

Oliver private

Children, Family, North Sea Coast

And outside the Schober universe? Admittedly, it’s a long way to the office in Stuttgart. That’s because Oliver lives on the North Sea with his wife and three children. For the East Frisian, the circle closes here, and for the family as a whole, new horizons open up. Compared to the previous life in Karlsruhe (“manager parked next to manager” – according to Oliver), life is much more relaxed and rural. For children and dog the house offers space. And of course the beach is not far.

Happiness and joy come “when my wife is happy with me and my children at the beach, when after many attempts I finally find the solution to a problem and am successful with it at work, when I watch my children play, or when an exciting book absorbs me.”

At the same time, Oliver tries to keep as many balls in the air as possible and live his hobbies. “In addition to the various challenges of a family of five, I enjoy working with wood, playing chess (Internet only at the moment), mountain biking and road biking, and reading a lot of science fiction and contemporary philosophy,” he says. Want some book tips? Oliver recommends Singularity by Joshua Tree and Children of Eternity by Andreas Brandhorst. Maybe there are some suggestions for your next vacation at the North Sea?

Contact: If you have any questions about …

data quality, AI or udo or just want to get acquainted with us and Oliver Wick, we look forward to hearing from you.

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