Mastering challenges digitally

udo in B2B sales

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udo in B2B sales: data-driven & digitized, therefore doubly efficient

Many companies and sales organizations are not keeping pace with the recent rapid changes brought about by digitization and are just doing what they have always done. In the past, they have also been successful with this, as their work is primarily based on the personalized relationship with the customer. However, the challenges for B2B sales are becoming increasingly complex. It’s not just customers and markets that have been transformed by digitization. Technology is turning distribution on its head overall. The opportunities outweigh the risks, but only if you know how to take advantage of them.

On the next few pages, we want to take you into the new world of B2B sales. The white paper first discusses the three most important challenges for sales managers – beyond the buyer journey in the narrower sense. The second part focuses – for your maximum benefit – on concrete use cases. We show the most important success factors for B2B sales. The Schober consultants will provide you with further background information in a personal conversation. The third part presents udo, a concrete solution concept for sales digitization.


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People at Schober

Dr. Oliver Wick

Solutions for data management, tailor-made at the North Sea

Menschen bei Schober

udo’s iPhone approach, the perfect combination

„Kennzeichnend für mich? Die Neugier, die Welt zu verstehen und – wie meine Kinder – täglich Wunder zu erleben“, sagt Oliver Wick. „Denn das zeigt, dass man immer auch ganz andere Lösungen finden kann. Ich liebe Problemstellungen, die man nicht sofort durchblicken kann.“ Seit Anfang des Jahres ist Oliver Schoberianer. Passend zu seiner Leidenschaft löst der promovierte Physiker und Senior Consultant im Vertrieb komplexe Herausforderungen und bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen. Den iPhone-Ansatz von udo findet er dabei einzigartig. Was ihn sonst beschäftigt? Familie, Physik, Science Fiction und immer wieder Daten, Datenqualität und die Frage, wie man Erkenntnisse aus Daten gewinnt. Wie das alles zusammenhängt? 

Dr. Oliver Wick

Ehrliche Haut aus Ostfriesland

Sein Lebensweg beginnt in Ostfriesland. Hier ist Oliver geboren und in einem „liebevollen Elternhaus und Kokon“ aufgewachsen. Die Eltern ermutigen zum eigenen Denken und Hinterfragen übernommener Vorstellungen. Gleichzeitig vermitteln sie einen grundsätzlichen Wertekanon – Solidarität, Offenheit und Aufrichtigkeit gehören dazu. „Ich denke, dass ich geprägt durch meine Kindheit ein sehr offener und ehrlicher Mensch bin. Ich sehe die Welt und die Menschen positiv und möchte das Richtige tun, nicht irgendwas, irgendwie“, betont Oliver. Auch im Business spürt der Kunde die „ehrliche Haut“. Deshalb vertraut man ihm und merkt, dass es um die beste Lösung geht. „Wenn ich Kunden berate, dann damit wir es zusammen richtig machen. Kaufen, das macht der Kunde von selber.“  

Vom Norden in den Südwesten

Schon in jungen Jahren hat er sich angewöhnt, um die Ecke zu denken und den Dingen auf den Grund zu gehen. Dazu passt die Studienwahl: Physik wählt er nach der Schule als Fach, weil es „ein vielfältiges und buntes Herangehen an Neues erfordert“. Gedacht, getan – in Braunschweig nimmt er das Studium auf, wechselt dann nach Göttingen. Die Suche nach einem Doktorvater führt ihn am Ende nach Freiburg ganz in den Südwesten. Hier arbeitet Oliver fünf Jahre als Wissenschaftler, scheut weder komplexe Fragestellung noch Mühen. Am Ende steht die Promotion in Experimentalphysik. Ob er heute das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten vermisst? „Nein, als Senior Consultant ist mein aktueller Arbeitsalltag eigentlich gar nicht so anders. Auch hier geht es um Verstehen, Neues erkunden und kreative Lösungen. Allerdings habe ich heute intensiven Kontakt mit Kunden, das ist für mich ein enormer Gewinn.“ 

Mediator für Mehrwert zwischen Kunde und Möglichkeiten

In den Beruf steigt Oliver zunächst als Programmierer bei einem großen deutschen Systemhaus ein, beschäftigt sich unter anderem mit Verkehrsplanung in Japan. Schnell zeigt sich, was ihm wirklich Freude macht: der Umgang mit Menschen. Er wechselt zu Uniserv und konzentriert sich hier auf Themen rund um Daten, Datenqualität, Master Data Management und Customer Data Management. „Ich verstehe mich als Mediator zwischen dem Kunden und seinen Anforderungen einerseits und dem technisch Machbaren andererseits“, beschreibt er sein Selbstverständnis. Als Teamleiter, Senior Consultant und Senior Sales Manager übernimmt Oliver viele Projekte und sammelt wertvolle Erfahrungen bei Mittelständlern und Großkonzernen. „Findigkeit und Kreativität sind ebenso gefragt wie tiefes technisches Verständnis, um daraus eine Lösung für die Anforderungen der Kunden zu schnüren. Erfolg ist immer Solution Selling, das heißt Mehrwert für den Kunden schaffen.“ 

„Zuhören und innovativ bleiben“

Das Verhältnis zum Kunden sieht er wie eine Beziehung. „Bevor man die geschäftliche Zusammenarbeit startet, baut sich die Beziehung erst auf. Und wie beim Kennenlernen muss es funken. Zuhören und innovativ bleiben ist dann für die weitere Beratung zentral“, erzählt Oliver. Denn auch wenn es bequem ist, alle Herausforderungen mit der gleichen Methode zu lösen – Stichwort Schubladendenken – liegt der Erfolg in der Beratung und der daraus entwickelten Lösung. Dazu braucht Oliver neben breitem Fachwissen auch die Fähigkeit, über den Tellerrand zu schauen und Lösungen neu zu denken. 

Der iPhone-Ansatz von udo, die perfekte Kombination…

Neue Wege suchen und gehen – das ist eine Konstante, die Oliver schließlich zur Schober Information Group führt. Der Management Buyout macht ihn neugierig. „Als ich gesehen habe, wie konsequent die drei Geschäftsführer im Schober-Management neue Wege gehen, habe ich das Gespräch gesucht, ob wir zusammen passen“, erzählt er und ergänzt: „Und wir passen zusammen!“ Seit Januar 2022 ist Oliver Teil des Vertriebsteams und bringt langjährige Erfahrung im Umgang mit Daten, Datenmanagement und Analytics ein. Interessenten dürfen sich auf maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für ihr Datenmanagement freuen.

Besonders fasziniert den promovierten Physiker das Flagship-Angebot der Schober Information Group udo. „Genial ist der iPhone-Ansatz von udo, die perfekte Kombination vieler Anwendungen und diese einfach verpackt“, erzählt er begeistert und betont: „Es gibt am Markt kaum ein zweites Tool, das  diese Kombination in einer einzigen Anwendung zur Verfügung stellt: ein MDM inklusive Data Enrichment aus dem Schober Datenuniversum, den kompletten Analytics-Bereich inklusive Maschine Learning sowie ein zielgruppengesteuertes Kampagnentool. Vom Auflösen der Datensilos bis zur zielgenauen Kampagne wird alles automatisiert umgesetzt. Einzigartig!“

In seiner Zeit bei Schober hat er bisher vor allem Kompetenz und Herzlichkeit gefunden: „Da paart sich jahrzentelange Erfahrung mit einem Spirit aus Begeisterung und herzlichem Miteinander. Es herrscht zudem eine tolle Aufbruchstimmung, da komme ich gerne ins Büro nach Stuttgart :-).“

Oliver privat

Kinder, Familie, Nordsee-Küste

Und außerhalb des Schober-Universums? Der Weg ins Büro nach Stuttgart ist zugegeben weit. Denn mit seiner Frau und den drei Kindern lebt Oliver an der Nordsee. Für den Ostfriesen schließt sich hier der Kreis, für die Familie insgesamt öffnen sich neue Horizonte. Im Vergleich zum vorherigen Leben in Karlsruhe („Manager parkt neben Manager“ – so Oliver) ist das Leben viel entspannter und ländlicher. Für Kinder und Hund bietet das Haus Raum. Und natürlich ist der Strand nicht weit. 

Glück und Freude kommen auf, „wenn meine Frau glücklich mit mir und meinen Kindern am Strand ist, wenn ich nach vielen Versuchen endlich die Lösung für eine Problemstellung gefunden habe und damit im Beruf auch noch erfolgreich bin, wenn ich meinen Kindern beim Spielen zuschaue oder wenn mich ein spannendes Buch aufsaugt.“

Zugleich versucht Oliver, möglichst viele Bälle in der Luft zu halten und seine Hobbies zu leben. „Neben den diversen Herausforderungen einer fünfköpfigen Familie arbeite ich gerne mit Holz, spiele Schach (momentan nur Internet), bin gerne mit Mountainbike und Rennrad unterwegs und lese viel Science Fiction und Gegenwartsphilosophie“, erzählt er. Buchtipps gefällig? Oliver empfiehlt Singularity von Joshua Tree und Kinder der Ewigkeit von Andreas Brandhorst. Vielleicht sind da ja Anregungen für den nächsten Urlaub an der Nordsee dabei?

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How utilities are shaping the transformation

Sales and marketing in the liberalized energy market

Energiemarkt Transformation

Energy transition, liberalization, transformation

The energy industry with its utilities and municipal utilities is in the midst of restructuring. If Germany’s players in the energy market want to survive, they will have to reinvent themselves in the areas of sales and marketing and rethink their business models. This applies to the core products and the switch to renewable energies. But the transformation goes much deeper: customers’ requirements have grown beyond just energy supply, and digitization offers new opportunities and requires new offerings. At the same time, new players beyond the typical utilities and municipal utilities are entering the market – comparison portals, providers from outside the industry, international disruptors.

Sales and marketing are crucial to the success of the transformation. Liberalized markets open up new opportunities, but also dissolve the established bond between supplier and customer. Interaction with high value for customers is therefore one of the key success factors for the transformation to succeed. If a utility or municipal utility wants to make better offers on competitive markets in the long term, it has to know its customers and their requirements in detail.

The white paper first looks at the five most important transformation fields of the energy transition and highlights their significance for the industry as a whole and specifically for marketing and sales managers. The second part summarizes the consequences of the transformation for CMOs and CSOs, and then presents a concrete solution concept for the upcoming tasks in the following part. The last part is dedicated to concrete use cases in order to convey practical knowledge and possible applications. In view of the large number of challenges, we are only showing a selection; we will be happy to provide you with further material and background on request.



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How to work with udo …

… Digitize CRM, sales and marketing.

Get to know udo – the Customer Data Platform “PLUS” from Schober – in a short video and learn what the “PLUS” means and thus what makes udo so unique. Have fun … and don’t forget to turn on the sound 😉


udo Video



udo = universal data orchestration:
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  • Digitized sales shorten and accelerate path to the customer
  • universal data orchestration (udo) reduces effort by up to 90 percent
  • bevo combines udo with bearch and expects 2,000 qualified leads
Frank Bieletzki

Stuttgart, February 02, 2021 – Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH is implementing the sales digitization of technical wholesaler bevo GmbH with udo (universal data orchestration). The specialist for water technology wants to grow strongly in the digital business and has introduced udo for this purpose. Since June, the project team has implemented numerous applications on udo that relieve the burden on salespeople: new leads, better lead nurturing, more conversion. In addition, sales automation frees up significant resources for more intensive customer support.

“…the way to the customer faster and shorter”.

Sales in technical wholesale have changed significantly in two respects: “On the one hand, product sales have been replaced by solution sales. Secondly, our customers are communicating more online. Therefore, bevo has decided to grow digitally. With Schober, we are making the path to the customer faster and shorter,” says Frank Bieletzki, Managing Director of bevo Vertriebs GmbH. The company sells water technology for use in gardens, agriculture, building and environmental technology or even in plant construction. This makes new customer acquisition enormously time-consuming, because bevo targets customers in very different niche markets – garden and landscape contractors, pool builders, farmers and industrial architects. The solution: Sales and marketing automation with udo, the Customer Data Platform “PLUS” from Schober.

Sales and marketing automation: cross- and upselling

Acquiring new contacts for sales more easily and shortening the path from the first contact to the sale – with these goals, bevo opts for Schober after a three-month test. With udo, the technical foundation for automating sales and marketing has been laid. Nine applications are currently projected, five are already in use, and others are being planned. In this way, udo specifically identifies opportunities for cross-selling and upselling. Analytics and AI identify revenue-driving product combinations from order data and purchase history. If you buy PE pipes, for example, you also need glue. If he doesn’t buy it right away, udo sends a trigger email with offers. For more complex options, the contact goes to a sales consultant.

New customers, but 90 percent less effort

Another udo application optimizes the acquisition of new customers – for example in the niche market of automated garden watering. Before udo (and Covid-19), bevo held nationwide roadshows with training sessions on this. Today, in combination with bearch, udo determines market potential and new customers automatically. Additional advantage through bearch: Leads can be tapped directly via features from the online world before they are invited to webinars and trained. Only then do salespeople make personal contact and advise on finding solutions until the sale is closed. Managing Director Bieletzki makes a clear calculation: “We used to need around 100 working days for the roadshow; with udo we generate the same number of customers in ten working days. That’s 90 percent less effort.”

More applications from udo

bevo continues to automate its marketing and sales activities with other applications based on udo. In addition to web analytics, cross-channel tracking and next-best-action trigger campaigns, there are high expectations for a lead scoring project. Assessing actual sales opportunities ensures clear prioritization of sales activities and higher productivity, says Frank Bieletzki.

“With udo, we are significantly increasing our digital sales. We expect to generate up to 2,000 additional leads per year. The path to the customer is shorter and faster, which is a convincing result from the cooperation with Schober,” says Frank Bieletzki, Managing Director of bevo Vertriebs GmbH.

“bevo has set new standards in data-driven sales. In doing so, udo and bearch provide the B2B water specialist with the appropriate technological basis to digitize even the particularly high demands in a very specialized market environment,” Martin Brahm, Managing Director of Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH, is pleased to report.

bevo image

Image source: bevo


Whether in the garden or in agriculture, in building and environmental technology or in plant construction, bevo is the professional partner for projects in water technology. As part of the European MegaGroup, bevo benefits from a broad product portfolio, a modern logistics infrastructure and over 75 years of experience in water technology. With over 20,000 products, the range offers the right solution for all water technology needs. A dedicated service team is available to advise on the selection of suitable components and their installation. For more information, please visit:


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High data quality in the German Soccer League


“Turning customers into fans” – this claim is often the guiding principle when companies actively look after their existing customers. But what if the customers are soccer fans and the objective is to turn these fans into customers? We provide a brief insight into our collaboration on the topic of data quality with one of the top clubs in the German Football League.


Challenge: Data in front, one more goal

When the members’ magazine is sent out twice a year, fans rejoice. Unless the booklet doesn’t arrive. Then the faces are long. This happens when addresses become outdated, recipients move, or even incorrect names are recorded in the CRM system. The challenge: data quality. And this plays a prominent role not only in the mailing of member magazines.

Fan campaigns, member analysis, fan support and much more also come to nothing or are simply not feasible without good data. Together with the Schober Information Group, a Bundesliga club has therefore vigorously tackled the issue of data quality. The goal: to increase data quality, expand the depth of information through data enrichment, and create a solid data foundation for the use of analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in direct and digital marketing.

Solution: Data quality check and data depth enrichment

Analytics BundesligaThe Data Quality Check project was launched. This compares the CRM data of the association with the current data from the Schober data universe. The comparison shows: gaps in the data, outdated data, incorrect data or duplicates. As a rule, according to Schober’s practical experience, about 15% of the master data in CRM systems must be updated within a year. The younger the target group, the more mobile and the more frequent the need for updates.

After the check, the need for action is determined and the association decides to update and populate its own data (First Data) with Schober third-party data. Additionally, one uses the option to increase the data depth. This means that Schober offers additional information beyond current address data. Socio-demographic data, development at the place of residence, purchasing power information and many more details can be added.

Outlook: Analyses, but please automated and secure

The association has gained a solid data foundation for more in-depth analyses. After all, you don’t gain any insights from false data. Only those who can create added value for their fans and members thanks to good data can take the lead. And this is exactly where it should go: from data by means of analysis, information about fans, their joys and requirements is obtained.

The methods and analysis strategies can be diverse. Typically, cluster analysis, AI, and self-learning algorithms are used in such scenarios in addition to simple data mining with pattern recognition. Of course, all of this is done in compliance with DSGVO – security and data protection have the highest priority for us. Our membership in DDV as well as certifications by CSA and IABEurope underline our claim to secure and DSGVO-compliant data handling.

In the next step, the Bundesliga club plans to derive targeted marketing measures from the analyzed data. Who is a casual fan and only comes to the stadium in good weather? Which fans don’t need advertising because they are in the stadium for every home game anyway? Which fans have a pet and would be delighted with the original feeding bowl with club logo? These are just a few examples of questions that can be answered easily and automatically with the right methodology.

If you also want to play in the premier league with your data…

If you want to follow our customer’s example and play in the first league with data-based marketing, please contact us. At Schober, we have been shaping the future of sales and marketing for over 75 years. Soccer AnalyticsAnd the method described above has long since given rise to a cloud-based out-of-the-box platform for managing customer data (Customer Data Platform – CDP). We call the solution udo and think you should get to know udo. We would be happy to show you how easy udo can also turn your fans into customers or even happier fans.

Simply play in the premier league with your data.


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Use Schober data (B2B and B2C) via interface in real time

API - Daten per Schnittstelle
Automated data enrichment

API info sheet

Valuable additional information via API for your datasets

API target groupsKnow your customers and target groups for successful marketing, selective analyses and a professional customer approach. With an automated enrichment of current additional data via API from the Schober data universe, you create the prerequisite for this valuable qualification of your data stock.


The Schober data universe always at your fingertips

API data selection  Use our interface to immediately and easily access our extensive company and contact database in the B2B area as well as our personal database in the B2C area. In this way, our API supports you in digitizing and automating your business processes and improves the data quality in your CRM or ERP system.


Click here for a free download of our API info sheet

API Logo

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People at Schober

Dr. Oliver Wick

Solutions for data management, tailor-made at the North Sea

Menschen bei Schober

udo’s iPhone approach, the perfect combination

“Characteristic for me? The curiosity to understand the world and – like my children – to experience miracles every day,” says Oliver Wick. “Because that shows that you can always find completely different solutions. I love problem sets that you can’t immediately see through.” Oliver has been a Schoberian since the beginning of the year. In keeping with his passion, the doctor of physics and senior consultant in sales solves complex challenges and offers customized solutions. He finds udo’s iPhone approach unique. What else keeps him busy? Family, physics, science fiction and always data, data quality and the question of how to gain insights from data. How it’s all connected?

Dr. Oliver Wick

Honest skin from East Frisia

His life’s journey begins in East Frisia. This is where Oliver was born and raised in a “loving home and cocoon.” Parents encourage their own thinking and questioning of adopted ideas. At the same time, they convey a fundamental set of values – solidarity, openness and honesty are among them. “I think that shaped by my childhood I am a very open and honest person. I see the world and people positively and want to do the right thing, not something, somehow,” Oliver emphasizes. The customer also feels the “honest skin” in business. That’s why you trust him and realize that it’s about the best solution. “When I advise customers, it’s so that we can do it right together. Buying, that’s what the customer does by himself.”

From the north to the southwest

Even at a young age, he got into the habit of thinking around corners and getting to the bottom of things. His choice of study fits in with this: He chooses physics as a subject after school because it “requires a diverse and colorful approach to new things.” No sooner said than done – he began his studies in Braunschweig and then transferred to Göttingen. The search for a doctoral advisor ultimately leads him to Freiburg, right in the southwest. Oliver worked here for five years as a scientist, sparing neither complex questions nor effort. At the end is the doctorate in experimental physics. Does he miss scientific work today? “No, as a senior consultant, my current day-to-day work is actually not that different. Here, too, it’s all about understanding, exploring new things and finding creative solutions. However, today I have intensive contact with customers, which is a huge benefit for me.”

Mediator for added value between customer and opportunities

Oliver initially started his career as a programmer at a large German systems house, working on traffic planning in Japan, among other things. It quickly becomes apparent what he really enjoys: dealing with people. He is moving to Uniserv, where he will focus on topics related to data, data quality, master data management and customer data management. “I see myself as a mediator between the customer and his requirements on the one hand and what is technically feasible on the other,” is how he describes his self-image. As a team leader, senior consultant and senior sales manager, Oliver takes on many projects and gains valuable experience with medium-sized companies and large corporations. “Resourcefulness and creativity are just as much in demand as deep technical understanding to turn them into a solution for the customer’s requirements. Success is always solution selling, which means creating added value for the customer.”

“Listen and stay innovative”

He sees the relationship with the customer like a relationship. “Before you start the business collaboration, the relationship builds first. And just like getting to know each other, it has to spark. Listening and remaining innovative is then central to further consulting,” Oliver tells us. Because even if it is convenient to solve all challenges with the same method – keyword pigeonhole thinking – success lies in the consultation and the solution developed from it. To do this, Oliver needs not only broad expertise but also the ability to think outside the box and rethink solutions.

udo’s iPhone approach, the perfect combination…

Seeking and taking new paths – this is a constant that eventually leads Oliver to the Schober Information Group. The Management buyout makes him curious. “When I saw how consistently the three managing directors in Schober’s management were breaking new ground, I sought out the conversation to see if we were a good fit,” he says, adding, “And we are a good fit!” Oliver joined the sales team in January 2022, bringing years of experience working with data, data management and analytics. Interested parties can look forward to customized solutions for their data management.

The physicist with a doctorate is particularly fascinated
the flagship offer of the Schober Information Group udo.
“The iPhone approach of udo is ingenious, the perfect combination of many applications and these simply packaged,” he says enthusiastically and emphasizes: “There is hardly a second tool on the market that provides this combination in a single application: an MDM including data enrichment from the Schober data universe, the complete analytics area including machine learning as well as a target group-driven campaign tool. From breaking down the data silos to the targeted campaign, everything is implemented automatically. Unique!”

During his time at Schober, he has found competence and cordiality above all: “Decades of experience are paired with a spirit of enthusiasm and cordial cooperation. There is also a great atmosphere of optimism, which makes me happy to come to the office in Stuttgart :-)”.

Oliver private

Children, Family, North Sea Coast

And outside the Schober universe? Admittedly, it’s a long way to the office in Stuttgart. That’s because Oliver lives on the North Sea with his wife and three children. For the East Frisian, the circle closes here, and for the family as a whole, new horizons open up. Compared to the previous life in Karlsruhe (“manager parked next to manager” – according to Oliver), life is much more relaxed and rural. For children and dog the house offers space. And of course the beach is not far.

Happiness and joy come “when my wife is happy with me and my children at the beach, when after many attempts I finally find the solution to a problem and am successful with it at work, when I watch my children play, or when an exciting book absorbs me.”

At the same time, Oliver tries to keep as many balls in the air as possible and live his hobbies. “In addition to the various challenges of a family of five, I enjoy working with wood, playing chess (Internet only at the moment), mountain biking and road biking, and reading a lot of science fiction and contemporary philosophy,” he says. Want some book tips? Oliver recommends Singularity by Joshua Tree and Children of Eternity by Andreas Brandhorst. Maybe there are some suggestions for your next vacation at the North Sea?

Contact: If you have any questions about …

data quality, AI or udo or just want to get acquainted with us and Oliver Wick, we look forward to hearing from you.

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People at Schober

Katrin Meier-Mwangai

Rational gut feeling in the interest of the customer

Menschen bei Schober

A milestone on the roadmap: self-service platform for marketers

Anyone who meets Katrin Meier-Mwangai is immediately in the middle of a conversation with her and always wants to know more – whether it’s about private or professional aspects. “Every phase of life and every job has shaped me, some more, some less. Whether it’s the ‘jet-set’ job for AMD, where I was more or less at home in the world’s airports, or life in developing countries, where many of the things we take for granted in everyday Western life are not,” Katrin replies when asked about formative experiences.

Katrin Meier-MwangaiSolving complex challenges and curiosity are two central motives in her life. And challenge is not the usual business phrase: Katrin gets to the bottom of things. She joined Schober in April 2020 as Head of Digital Strategy to drive the roadmap of the DataTech offering and provide strategic advice to customers on digital transformation.

From Bavarian Swabia …

It all started in Nördlingen in Bavarian Swabia. Katrin grew up here, and from here she went on to study IT at Siemens, with stops in Paderborn and Augsburg. A course of study exactly as she imagined it: lots of practice, lots of new things, lots of getting around. This was followed by years in development at Siemens, and later Fujitsu. Hardware, laptops, servers, but also software are Katrin’s fields there. She can still do the coding, although the need hardly arises anymore: udo and bearch development is more about development coordination and implementing customer requirements in the platform.

…to build bridges

“New is healthy,” she says after seven years at Fujitsu, she is leaving for AMD in the semiconductor industry. Katrin also oversees high-performance computing for EMEA for the Intel competitor. It involves computationally intensive operations, and Katrin often has to build bridges: between U.S. development and major EMEA customers such as Cern, the Jülich Research Center or ENI, between technologies, between people. It is the time when Katrin lives more in airports and flies from one meeting to the next. The job is exciting, very international and challenging – just “jet-set”.

Cosmopolitan and emphatic

Katrin privateShe is also fascinated by travel and contact with a wide variety of people in her private life. At a young age, she begins to explore the world on her own. As opportunities increase, so does the travel radius; to date, she has visited over 70 countries. And here, too, she likes to get to the bottom of things: on the occasion of her trip to Indonesia, for example, she organizes a two-week stay at an orphanage in advance to participate in local life. Among many other destinations, she repeatedly goes to sub-Saharan Africa, where she also meets her current husband Munene. But until the wedding in 2018, it should then take a moment.

Rational gut – is that possible?

Because before that, there are career changes to be made: At some point, she no longer recognizes any prospects at AMD. She is offered an attractive option in the U.S., but the path mapped out for her within the company is not enough. Her boss at the time says, “You build houses, but you don’t want to mow lawns in the front yard.” In fact, she is looking for challenges, not so much life in a row house. She herself says, “I’m a gut person, even though I’m otherwise extremely rational.” How does that come together? “I listen carefully to my emotions and then I’m consistent.”

To Schober, via Schober to Kenya …

In 2013 she starts at Schober, the change into the marketing world is again very deliberate. Industries on the verge of a technological push offer just the right challenges. But there is one thought that keeps her going: she has always wanted to make a contribution to economically driven development aid – personally and not just financially. “If not now, nothing else will”, Katrin decides at the beginning of 2016 and starts with a project for Managers without Borders in Uganda. Afterwards, her life together with Munene begins and she works for different social enterprises that support local startups with financing and consulting. “You have to think your way in and gain deep insights into the country and people’s lives,” Katrin explains.

In 2017, she is diagnosed with a chronic disease in Nairobi that remained undetected in Germany until then. Recovery takes a long time and brings with it many a change of plans. This also includes their joint move to Germany, which the two will embark on in 2018.

… back to Germany as Head of Digital Strategy

After their return, the couple settles in Augsburg and Katrin reconnects with her contacts at Schober. Digital transformation has remained as a hot topic, marketing and technology complement each other perfectly. In April 2020, she will take on a central function as Head of Digital Strategy at Schober, becoming Chief Digital Officer in 2023. In addition to strategic customer consulting, she is responsible for the technical development of the DataTech offering: If you want to know what will be needed in the coming years and what is state of the art, Katrin is the right person for you.

Marketing automation in self-service

udo logoShe dives into one topic after another, Katrin tells us. She is currently focusing in particular on udo: “The platform is already powerful because it automates many aspects for marketers. Where individual work and technical know-how were required in the past, marketers can now use udo. On the one hand, the platform links data silos with each other and only then creates the prerequisite for a comprehensive customer view,” explains the Head of Digital Strategy. Most importantly, udo democratizes access to analytics and AI. “We are continuously adding use cases to udo so that customers can use more and more functions at the push of a button. In the medium term, the roadmap envisions the expansion of udo into a self-service platform as a milestone in Schober’s DataTech offering.” It is not yet possible to give a time frame, but medium-sized customers in particular are likely to be eagerly awaiting the offer.

And after work?

When evening comes, Katrin likes to read thrillers and especially appreciates black humor. It can be a little macabre for them. Sudoku of the class extra difficult are also part of the relaxation. So if you have a special headache, Katrin is looking forward to receiving your letters. When time permits, she goes hiking in the mountains with her husband. The trips that had to be cancelled to Covid19 will hopefully be made up soon. Some destinations are still missing from her list: Mozambique, Costa Rica and India are next on the agenda.

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udo or KI or simply want to get acquainted with us and Katrin Meier-Mwangai, we look forward to hearing from you.

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People at Schober

Peter Ambrus

Data protection, guaranteed waterproof

Menschen bei Schober

Water as a recurring constant

“Life motto? I’m not really fixed on that. With each stage of life, other goals come into focus. But I always want to live up to my own principles – a kind of inner mirror,” emphasizes Peter Ambrus. Peter has been a Schoberian since 2012. Today, as Managing Director and Chief Legal Officer, the fully qualified lawyer takes care of all legal issues of the Schober Information Group. So customers don’t have to worry about data protection. In addition, Peter has been one of the three company owners since summer 2021 as a result of the management buyout. Legal issues have accompanied him over the past years – always in combination with the business side. What shaped him? Hungary, Bad Cannstatt, Jura, Schober, sports and always water. But one after the other.

Peter Ambrus

From Pécs to the Neckar

Peter Ambrus was born in Pécs in southern Hungary, and his native Hungarian is still familiar to him today. With one exception, however: “For me, legal language is exclusively German, so I hardly know the Hungarian terminology,” he remarks. At the age of four, the family moves to Budapest, and at 14 he goes to Germany with his parents. Work in a Hungarian cultural institute brings the family to Stuttgart. Peter goes to school here, returns to Budapest at the age of 18, and graduates from high school. But the connection to Germany and specifically to Bad Cannstatt never breaks again. Soon he will be back.

Water polo and then law in Tübingen

In Bad Cannstatt on the Neckar (not “in the cauldron”), everything finally falls into place perfectly. “Basically, I have faith in the world – everything is good in the end, and that’s how it was here,” Peter recalls. But it’s not a no-brainer: “If you want to achieve something, you need perseverance, you have to work hard, build skills and commit to your goals.” And he applies himself and works hard – in sports as well as in his studies.

Thus, he is under contract in Stuttgart with SV Cannstatt as a semi-professional water polo player. The (almost) professional sport finances life and law studies in Tübingen. In 2006, the water polo players from Cannstatt actually become German champions. “That was a great moment, but also a sad one,” he recalls, because all of a sudden all of the goals have been achieved. He turns his attention to his studies, specializes in environmental law and completes his studies in Tübingen.

The year 2012

This is followed by the traineeship and then quickly into professional life. In 2007, a small Stuttgart law firm is the entry point for him as a lawyer. Instead of environmental law, Peter is primarily involved in corporate and tax law, as the firm has a strong focus on business law. “That opened up whole new fields for me,” he recalls, the experience providing the necessary tools for the next steps. In 2012, he yearned for something new: “I didn’t want to work in a law firm anymore and thought to myself that as a corporate lawyer, you’d certainly see more than just lawsuit-happy clients. I was right – and to this day I’m very happy about that decision, which brought me straight to Schober.” As an in-house lawyer, he starts at Schober Holding, which at this point is a think tank, consulting unit and implementer of internationalization. “It’s a paradise for lawyers: lots of topics, lots of new things, lots of opportunities if you like to roll up your sleeves and create something,” he says.

Someone who (likes to) set his own frame

This is exactly his field, because Peter likes to work his way into new tasks and feels “at home everywhere and in different worlds”. And he has no fear of contact with new subjects or with other people. At some point, the German water polo champion with Hungarian roots moves into management, learns the operational basics and becomes one of the managing directors of the Schober Information Group. For Peter Ambrus, finally taking over the business as a shareholder within the framework of a management buyout was the opportunity to “consistently continue the path he had already taken on his own initiative.” Self-determined and at the same time a team player, he emphasizes the harmonious interaction with the other two shareholders as an important success factor.
Peter private

udo and the irresistible value proposition

Asked what Schober’s “irresistible value proposition” is to its customers, Peter says (quite precisely, as one might expect from a lawyer): “Schober helps its customers to find and eliminate weaknesses in their own database and data processing. This creates substantial added value in many respects – marketing, sales, data protection. Foremost among these is our universal data orchestration (udo) because it automates and simplifies many very complex things.”

Peter himself is primarily involved in data protection issues and resolves them before customers even come into contact with them. “That reduces the risks, because you can rely on udo. And it makes marketing and sales easier, because you could also describe udo as ‘data protection as a service,’” he says with a wink and then takes in the big vision: “We want to help shape digitization as the fourth industrial revolution by supporting our customers in their further development. You can count on Schober.”

Create useful

And outside Schober? “I spend every free minute with family and sport in all its forms”. What would be his greatest private wish, we ask, and he says: “I would like to offer my daughter every opportunity so that she can find her own way and realize her dreams. For myself, I would like us to achieve our goals here at Schober and thus lead the company into an exciting future together with our employees.”

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Privacy, udo or water polo or just want to get acquainted with us and Peter Ambrus, we look forward to hearing from you.

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