Customer Data Platform – The Guide

Customer data under control
Sprawling amounts of data, dissatisfied customers, no new customers in sight… then it’s time for a Customer Data Plaform. In the course of digitalization, companies are constantly generating and collecting large amounts of information. These often end up in different places, distributed across different systems with separate databases that may be physically networked, but not symbiotically. This leads to data silos, the scope of which is constantly increasing, but the benefits are sometimes reduced due to the immense administrative effort. This is where an application comes into play that links various data sources, combines and cleanses the data they contain in order to make meaningful use of this processed customer data. This application is the above-mentioned Customer Data Platform. But first things first:
What is a customer data platform?
Why a customer data platform?
What does the customer gain from a Customer Data Platform?
What do you get from a customer data platform?
Why Customer Data Platform “PLUS”?
The usual approach with a CDP is to access first-party data. In order to be able to work with them at all, they are brought into the same shape. The result is a packaged data package that provides an all-round view of the customer. This is a big step towards digital sales. To perfect this, however, you need that “PLUS”, that little bit extra. This consists of various components that are used to refine, refine and utilize the data. PLUS 1: Cleansing PLUS 2: Enrichment PLUS 3: Access to new potentials
Why “udo” from Schober?
Schober is at home in the world of data. This can also be seen in “udo”, the customer data platform that offers the “PLUS”. With “udo”, the data silos are not only merged, but the data is cleansed in advance, because meaningful analyses work best with clean data. In addition, “udo” enriches the data with information from the integrated data universe. This provides valuable additional information. In addition, the customer’s own data is compared with the potential from the data universe. The result: you can see at a glance what would be possible and have the option of implementing this in “udo” straight away. PLUS 1: Cleansing with “udo” Data is not only freed from its silos and merged, but also cleansed.
A clean basis for clean work. PLUS 2: Enrichment with “udo” Schober’s data expertise and the comparison with the integrated data universe enhances data with valuable additional information.
More knowledge leads to added value, because the expanded database enables the “udo” AI to determine perfect target groups in order to play out campaigns with pinpoint accuracy and automate contact routes. PLUS 3: New customer potential with “udo” By analyzing existing customers, “udo” identifies new customer potential from the integrated data universe. These can be used directly from “udo” for new customer campaigns across all channels (digital and print). Naturally, “udo” adheres to the highest standards in terms of data protection, compliance and security.