Valuable analysis basis at the point of interest

Geofencing for targeted new customer acquisition

Trade fairs are finally taking place again and are therefore well attended. Thus, with “Fleet!” Germany’s largest fleet trade fair and THE meeting place for the fleet industry opened its doors in March once again. One of the exhibitors was a large automotive company that asked itself the following questions, among others: “How do my stand visitors actually describe themselves and are they different from other trade show visitors? How can I address my visitors digitally in compliance with data protection regulations? How can I find and advertise to similar target groups?”

The automobile manufacturer turned to Schober with these questions in mind and commissioned a so-called geofencing project there.


We would now like to introduce you to what geofencing actually is, how it works and what added value it offers advertisers.


Movement points in polygon

What is geofencing?

Geofencing is a technology that allows certain actions or events to be triggered when a mobile device or a GPS-enabled device enters or leaves a predefined geographic zone or fence (“geofence”). This can be used to send notifications, collect data or perform other actions as required.

Tracking is, of course, carried out on an anonymized data basis and in strict compliance with data protection regulations via mobile devices that cross the geofence boundary.

So how exactly does this work?

The method uses smartphones as a database, on which users have given certain apps access to their location. The device then sends geo-coordinates with a timestamp to the app publisher at specific intervals. Schober then uses the non-personal data and continues to match it at the cell level against the Schober data universe in a manner that complies with data protection regulations. On this basis, some descriptive features can be temporarily enriched for qualification purposes.

For the concrete geofencing analysis, the Schober analysis team first needs content input on the event: date, time, location, areas, booths at the trade fair. Then, using the supplied input in the form of hall plans, maps and drawings, the defined areas are geocoded and geographically accurate polygons are used to delineate the desired locations and times.

How does geofencing benefit our automotive company?


Massive increase test drives

Our car manufacturer uses Schober’s geofencing methods described above to gain deeper insights into its trade fair visitors – and this goes far beyond the purely quantitative recording of event visitors. This is because the added value clearly lies in the data protection-compliant utilization of these findings for marketing purposes.

Schober Senior Consultant and Geostrategist Sven Waldenmaier explains: “By temporarily enriching valuable additional information from our unique data universe, event visitors can be delimited as target groups at the cell level and described in more detail. Our customers can first address event visitors digitally in a targeted manner, for example for an event follow-up. In addition, the target group descriptions can be used to form so-called look-alikes (i.e. similar target groups or potential new customers) in the Schober data universe in compliance with data protection regulations, which can then be addressed online and offline as part of accurate marketing campaigns via various channels.”

And that doesn’t just apply to trade fairs and events! Geofencing can be applied to any point of interest (POI). “We also collected information on car dealership visitors. This means that current visitors from one or more car dealerships – our own or those of our competitors – were collected, analyzed and addressed with marketing messages in a qualified manner. In one specific case, it was already possible to more than double the number of test drives using this method,” continues Sven Waldenmaier.

General usage possibilities of geofencing

So it can be concluded: By means of geofencing, it is possible to quantify the anonymous visitors to a POI, to qualify visitor groups, and to address them specifically afterwards in order to gain high-quality new leads.

Through the unique combination of mobile movement data with valuable additional information, geofencing enables companies in all industries to generate new types of added value for their marketing.


Movement frequencies

Below are a few more examples of the many uses of geofencing analysis:

  • Location planning: Where do high-affinity target customers live? Where is a branch worthwhile, where not?
  • Catchment area analyses: Where do my store visitors live and how can they be described?
  • Advertising effectiveness checks: Who reads my advertising digitally and comes to the store, who reads print advertising and orders online? Can this be used to optimize distribution areas
    or distribute digital advertising in a more targeted manner?
  • New customer acquisition: Which channels can I use to get similar target groups excited about my products?
  • Competitor monitoring: Which customers also go to the competition? How are they different from loyal customers? Which customers seem at risk of churn?

These and many other questions can be answered comprehensively with geofencing technology in combination with Schober’s data universe and analysis know-how.

Incidentally, geofencing also plays an important role in fleet management with the aim of more efficient fleet management. If a vehicle crosses or leaves defined geographical fences, the geofencing system registers this and triggers a notification or alarm. In practice, this is successfully used, for example, to locate vehicles, prevent theft, reduce costs through route tracking or increase fleet productivity.

Which brings us back to the starting point of “Fleet! The industry get-together! The next two-day fair is not far away. Just like the other motor shows that are still to come, from Retro Classics to the IAA. Why not do as our car manufacturer does, learn more about your visitors and address them specifically.

Sven Waldenmaier


Our geomarketing expert Sven Waldenmaier is looking forward to entering into a dialog with you and providing you with comprehensive advice.

Feel free to contact him directly HERE.

Your Schober Team


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High data quality in the German Soccer League


“Turning customers into fans” – this claim is often the guiding principle when companies actively look after their existing customers. But what if the customers are soccer fans and the objective is to turn these fans into customers? We provide a brief insight into our collaboration on the topic of data quality with one of the top clubs in the German Football League.


Challenge: Data in front, one more goal

When the members’ magazine is sent out twice a year, fans rejoice. Unless the booklet doesn’t arrive. Then the faces are long. This happens when addresses become outdated, recipients move, or even incorrect names are recorded in the CRM system. The challenge: data quality. And this plays a prominent role not only in the mailing of member magazines.

Fan campaigns, member analysis, fan support and much more also come to nothing or are simply not feasible without good data. Together with the Schober Information Group, a Bundesliga club has therefore vigorously tackled the issue of data quality. The goal: to increase data quality, expand the depth of information through data enrichment, and create a solid data foundation for the use of analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in direct and digital marketing.

Solution: Data quality check and data depth enrichment

Analytics BundesligaThe Data Quality Check project was launched. This compares the CRM data of the association with the current data from the Schober data universe. The comparison shows: gaps in the data, outdated data, incorrect data or duplicates. As a rule, according to Schober’s practical experience, about 15% of the master data in CRM systems must be updated within a year. The younger the target group, the more mobile and the more frequent the need for updates.

After the check, the need for action is determined and the association decides to update and populate its own data (First Data) with Schober third-party data. Additionally, one uses the option to increase the data depth. This means that Schober offers additional information beyond current address data. Socio-demographic data, development at the place of residence, purchasing power information and many more details can be added.

Outlook: Analyses, but please automated and secure

The association has gained a solid data foundation for more in-depth analyses. After all, you don’t gain any insights from false data. Only those who can create added value for their fans and members thanks to good data can take the lead. And this is exactly where it should go: from data by means of analysis, information about fans, their joys and requirements is obtained.

The methods and analysis strategies can be diverse. Typically, cluster analysis, AI, and self-learning algorithms are used in such scenarios in addition to simple data mining with pattern recognition. Of course, all of this is done in compliance with DSGVO – security and data protection have the highest priority for us. Our membership in DDV as well as certifications by CSA and IABEurope underline our claim to secure and DSGVO-compliant data handling.

In the next step, the Bundesliga club plans to derive targeted marketing measures from the analyzed data. Who is a casual fan and only comes to the stadium in good weather? Which fans don’t need advertising because they are in the stadium for every home game anyway? Which fans have a pet and would be delighted with the original feeding bowl with club logo? These are just a few examples of questions that can be answered easily and automatically with the right methodology.

If you also want to play in the premier league with your data…

If you want to follow our customer’s example and play in the first league with data-based marketing, please contact us. At Schober, we have been shaping the future of sales and marketing for over 75 years. Soccer AnalyticsAnd the method described above has long since given rise to a cloud-based out-of-the-box platform for managing customer data (Customer Data Platform – CDP). We call the solution udo and think you should get to know udo. We would be happy to show you how easy udo can also turn your fans into customers or even happier fans.

Simply play in the premier league with your data.


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This is how value-based selling works


by Martin Brahm, Managing Director of Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH


Every salesperson, every marketer knows it, the sales or marketing funnel. The model in the form of a funnel helps to understand and better classify sales processes. But value-based selling needs more. A new model is needed in the data economy: a four-step data strategy whose steps build on each other like a staircase.


This topic has been with me for a long time, which is why colleagues and customers also talk about the “Brahm’s staircase”. How does this “staircase” lead to satisfied customers and more sales? Just read on.

Brahm'sche Treppe

Sales-Funnel und wertorientiertes Verkaufen

Der klassische Sales-Funnel betrachtet den Verkaufsprozess noch ausschließlich aus der Sicht des Verkäufers. Doch im modernen Marketing kann und will man mehr: Es geht um ein tieferes Verständnis, indem man die Sicht des Kunden nachvollzieht und so die Interaktion gezielter steuert. Das Ziel: zufriedene Käufer gewinnen, die immer wieder kaufen und Produkte weiterempfehlen. Den zugrundeliegenden Vertriebsansatz nenne ich wertorientiertes Verkaufen, da er die Adressaten vom Wert des Angebots überzeugt. Damit aber reicht der Funnel als Grundlage von Marketing und Sales nicht mehr aus. Um nämlich den neuen Anforderungen der Daten-Ökonomie zu genügen, gehören wichtige Aspekte dazu: Personas, Mehrwert, Content, Customer Journey und Measurement.

Treppe statt Trichter

Wie hängen die Begriffe zusammen? Wer den Mehrwert seiner Produkte verkaufen will, der muss seine Adressaten kennen, was in Personas genauer beschrieben wird. Dann nämlich können Marketing-Maßnahmen gezielt den Mehrwert eines Angebotes aufzeigen, was über entsprechenden Content geschieht. Um zum Kauf zu motivieren, ist schließlich die Interaktion zwischen Anbieter und Adressat notwendig. Und genau hier hat die digitalisierte Welt mit New Data, Touchpoint-Explosion und nicht-linearen Customer Journeys neue Anforderungen geschaffen. Wer seine Kunden sachgerecht ansprechen, qualifizieren und steuern will, muss die Customer Journey orchestrieren. Das funktioniert nur mit Daten und einer Daten-Strategie – „Brahm’schen Treppe“. Es handelt sich um eine Methode des datengetriebenen Marketings, die in vier aufeinander aufbauenden Stufen Interessenten immer genauer qualifiziert, überzeugt und dann auf der höchsten Stufe zu Kunden konvertiert.Brahm'sche Treppe

Mit Daten und Methode zum Ziel: Die vierstufige Daten-Treppe

Brahm'sche Treppe Stufe 1Am Anfang heißt es Datengrundlagen schaffen. Dazu sichern Unternehmen die zentrale Bereitstellung aller Daten mit Bezug zur intendierten Kundeninteraktion. Zentralisiert ist wichtig, denn meistens liegen Daten unverbunden in unterschiedlichen Transaktionssystemen (ERP, E-Commerce-System, Content-Management etc.) nebeneinander. Erst das Mapping der Datensilos schafft die Grundlage für weitergehende Analysen. Denn wenn Unternehmen falsche oder unvollständige Daten nutzen, werden sie auch bei der Auswertung nur falsche oder unvollständige Ergebnisse erhalten. Der vermeintliche Datenschatz erweist sich dann schnell als Datenmüll.

Informationstiefe erhöhen, Daten zu Insights Stufe zwei und drei

Brahm'sche Treppe Stufe 2Doch manchmal reicht die Informationstiefe der vorhandenen Daten nicht. Deshalb prüft man auf Stufe zwei die vorhandene Datenbasis vor dem Hintergrund der Geschäfts- und Kommunikationsziele. Nötigenfalls erhöht man die Informationstiefe, um in der Kundeninteraktion richtigen Mehrwert stiften zu können. Typische Ergänzungen umfassen hier je nach potentieller Kundenzielgruppe Geodaten, Daten zum Digitalisierungsgrad, zu eingesetzten IT-Systemen oder zur Unternehmensstruktur.

Brahm'sche Treppe Stufe 3In Stufe drei werden aus diesen Daten Informationen. Analysen und KI machen aus den Daten Informationen zu Interessenten, Kunden und ihren Anforderungen. Methoden und Analyse-Strategien sind vielfältig und abhängig von der Aufgabenstellung. Typischerweise kommen neben einfachem Datamining mit Mustererkennung auch Cluster-Analysen, künstliche Intelligenz und selbstlernende Algorithmen zum Einsatz. Mit den gewonnenen Insights können Unternehmen wertorientierte Interaktions- und Produktangebote unterbreiten.

Stufe vier: wertorientierter Verkauf

Brahm'sche Treppe Stufe 4Stufe vier geht zur Aktion über und nutzt die Insights aus den vorangehenden Stufen, um Adressaten vom Wert der angebotenen Produkte zu überzeugen. Genau das ist wertorientierter Verkauf. Zur Interaktion kommen grundsätzlich alle verfügbaren Kanäle und Content-Formate zum Einsatz, die Auswahl der geeigneten Informationsmittel lässt sich meist sehr genau auf den vorhergehenden Stufen ermittelt.

So orchestriert die „Brahm’sche Treppe“ die Customer-Journey auf der Daten-Ebene: Personas, Mehrwert, Content, Customer Journey und Measurement finden in Echtzeit zusammen. Mit dieser Methode können Sales und Marketing Kunden zielsicher zum Glück führen – über eine vierstufige Treppe eben.

„Brahm’sche Treppe“, Funnel und udo – Wie sind Ihre Erfahrungen?

Wie sind Ihre Erfahrungen? Haben Sie auch schon überlegt, wie Sie Ihren Sales- oder Marketing-Funnel besser orchestrieren? Wir freuen uns, mehr zu erfahren und mit Ihnen in den Dialog zu treten.

Übrigens, wir bei Schober gestalten schon seit über 70 Jahren die Zukunft von Sales und Marketing. Und so ist aus der vorgestellten Methode auch eine Out-of-the-Box Plattform zum Management von Kundendaten (Customer Data Plattform – CDP) hervorgegangen. Wir nennen die Lösung udo (universal data orchestration) und denken, Sie sollten udo kennenlernen. Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen unter jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung. Viel Erfolg und es lebe der Umsatz!

Ihr Martin Brahm und das Schober-Team


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From single to multiple buyer to regular customer


“Mmmh, delicious – I love these energy bars after sports and buy them again and again”, my friend tells me and gives me her discount code for the new bar. My friend is a loyal customer who even acts as a brand ambassador – that’s a dream result for marketing activities.


And multi-buyer analytics are essential to this.

Eine Frau beisst in einem Müsliriegel. Symbolbild für die Multibuyer Analyse in udo

Intensive customer loyalty

But before we get to the analytics, let’s take a quick look at the bigger picture: Acquiring new customers is costly and requires significantly more effort than intensifying an existing customer relationship. This has been proven by many studies and surveys. And this experience applies not only to the sale of energy bars, wine or travel to end customers, but also in B2B business. For example, tradesmen who have good experiences with their suppliers buy regularly and usually also larger baskets of goods. So let’s intensify customer loyalty!

“Mmmh-delicious-moments” or: Knowing customers in order to bind them specifically

Customer loyalty is hugely important, as my Buddy illustrates. After all, satisfied regular customers are loyal, tolerant of mistakes, and they recommend products authentically to friends or colleagues. In the age of social media, this also means that loyal customers recommend a product to a large number of people in their social network. How do you win over loyal customers and create these “Mmmh-köstlich moments”? How do companies increase customer loyalty and turn single buyers into multiple buyers? Of course, a good product range is a basic prerequisite. But beyond that, it’s crucial to know your customers intimately. Knowing what moves them, what excites them, and what motivates them to make repeat purchases. The key: Multi Buyer Analytics.

Evaluate purchases with Multi Buyer Analytics

Companies that use multi-buyer analytics are significantly more successful than their competitors. This is proven, among others, by a power bar manufacturer and Schober customer who uses Multi Buyer Analytics based on our universal data platform (udo) with great success. The first thing to do is to get a solid overview of purchases and buying habits.

MultibuyerWhich customers buy only once and then disappear from the radius of marketing measures? Which customers, on the other hand, buy multiple times? With the answers, segments for subsequent measures can already be created in a first approximation. If you add the time intervals between purchases and the product groups purchased in each case, the view of the customers quickly becomes complete.

It can be seen, for example, that a so-called persona of multiple buyers prefers to buy a certain product in larger quantities, but then does not order anything else for a longer period of time. Another, however, orders small quantities more frequently, but these come from different product areas – energy bars, protein shakes and isotonic sports drinks.

Product mix analysis

Product mix analyses go deeper, allowing the correlations of individual offerings to be determined at the product level. In the case of the power bar manufacturer, for example, flavor, price and container size are related. For other Schober customers, such as the water specialist bevo, it is water pipes, connecting sleeves, special adhesives and hoses. Whatever the product portfolio, a product mix analysis of purchases reveals valuable synergies for existing customer care. Of course, it is precisely these correlations that must first be drawn from the data through analysis. To make this possible even without a degree in mathematics, udo offers
offers intuitive ready-to-use analytics.

Targeting customer loyalty measures

Targeted analysis of purchase and customer data as part of multi-buyer analytics provides crucial knowledge about customers. Single and multiple buyers with their respective preferences can be precisely identified, so that marketing and sales can use targeted communication measures to stimulate customer loyalty and new purchases. The right triggers and purchase motivations can then be set along the customer journey: The targeted development of existing customers can begin – from single to multiple buyers, from loyal customers to brand ambassadors. Of course, many factors – market, target customers, budget, creativity and others – play a role in the measures. The right mix of measures is therefore always individual.
We have compiled five key success factors and reasons for multi-buyer analytics in a checklist that you can download for free below.

Back to the gym

But let’s get back to the power bar manufacturer and its case. The company used multi-buyer analytics to first target and segment buyers of its products and cluster them by buyer group. One key finding: the number of multiple buyers can be expanded particularly quickly through targeted cross-selling. From the product mix analysis, it was clear that energy bars are a low-threshold, “fast-turnaround” offering and sell very well along with energy gels in the gym environment.

Sports studios are a top sales venue, but buyers have remained unknown. So theylaunched apersona-based campaign: buyers of energy bars can request free samples directly from the company by providing their contact details. This provides an opt-in and builds loyalty, because who doesn’t feel connected to their provider when asked for their opinion on the new bar? And second, you use targeted discounts and evaluate interactions to retain customers and attract new ones.

By the way, it happened to me personally in the same way. I actually tried the new energy bar on the recommendation of my friend and with the discount code, was thrilled and now also buy this brand regularly.

Single to multiple buyers: customer loyalty thanks to multi-buyer analytics

If you’re thinking, “That’s easy for them to say. But the effort to introduce multi-buyer analytics is huge, isn’t it?” No, the effort is manageable, because at Schober a cloud-based out-of-the-box platform has emerged from the presented method. We call the solution udo and think you should get to know udo. We’ll be happy to show you how to turn single buyers into multiple buyers with udo. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Good luck and long live your sales!

Your Schober Team

Multi Buyer Analytics Checklist

The top five reasons to use multi-buyer analytics for customer engagement: Are your customers buying, but only once? Would you like to reduce the enormous costs of acquiring new customers? Do you have long-standing customers but hardly any sales?


Learn the top 5 reasons for multibuyer analytics and customer engagement in our checklist.


Click here to download for free:

Multibuyer Analytics Checklist


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Create and improve data quality


Marketing and sales without data? Today, this is no longer imaginable. At the same time, poor data quality is pervasive. This is a huge challenge when it comes to strengthening the database. In the following, we show the reasons, what consequences it has and how marketers create data foundations.


Lack of information quality

Today, every company stores and uses data about its own customers and prospects: Goods are sent, invoices are written, consultation protocols are kept in the call center, marketing campaigns are set up and much more. Over time, this CRM data becomes more and more extensive and complex. But without a data strategy, the overview is quickly lost.

Data quickly becomes obsolete. For example, they are entered incorrectly, are no longer current, or are duplicated. Such data errors reduce data quality and have immediate economic consequences. This is also referred to as the “garbage-in-garbage-out” principle: errors in data cause errors in analyses and forecasts. To illustrate, if you put water in the tank of your car, you won’t be able to drive far. So it is with data quality. Poor data leads to a lack of information quality – wrong decisions are made and opportunities are missed.

Avoidable costs

But a lack of information quality also causes high, in many cases avoidable, costs. A simple example is not reaching a customer or sending out elaborate catalogs twice. Unrecognized risks are also problematic, such as when a customer bundles large merchandise credits under different identities. Costly inconveniences also quickly arise when customers are contacted despite an advertising ban and legal disputes threaten. This makes it clear that strengthening the data basis reduces risks and costs. Where are the biggest challenges in data quality?

How to strengthen data quality

Icon_The_Database_StrengthsPoor quality data contains data errors, duplicates, missing values, incorrect formatting, inconsistencies, and more. The matter is very complex and requires experience. That’s why the Schober Information Group offers a data quality check that quickly determines certainty about your own data quality and optimization potential. Briefly, the most important three aspects:

Duplicate addresses – this happens when several contacts to one company or several people from one household are registered. In this case, Schober offers to identify and mark multiple existing data via a duplicate comparison. Subsequently, the entries can be merged or even deleted upon explicit request.

Outdated information about companies – this happens when companies move, go bankrupt, change their name or similar. Around 30% of addresses need to be updated within a year, it is estimated. Here, Schober offers to identify addresses in the CRM data that are unsuitable for advertising, relocations, insolvent or defunct companies for processing or to confirm them positively.

Outdated information about people – this happens when people move, get married or die. Here, Schober offers reconciliation and updating based on negative inventories – such as movers, deceased or bad payers.

By the way: In principle, database entries are only made at the express request of the customer and only by the client himself.

More insight thanks to data enrichment

Data quality is the suitability of data for a particular purpose. And that doesn’t end with being coherent. You also have to provide the necessary information! If you want to convince people of the advantages of a pool in the garden with an elaborate marketing campaign in the spring, for example, you need information on the residential structure and purchasing power. Because in an urban residential area without gardens, of course, you can not create a pool. If advertising companies do not have this information at their disposal, targeted enrichment with the Schober data universe can help.

Whether geodata, identification data, potential analyses, industry keys, decision-maker data or company size – the Schober data universe provides the required data and significantly increases the depth of information. This ensures targeted customer contact and the ability to create detailed analyses based on facts.

The advantages of information quality and depth

A strong database with high quality and depth of information strengthens sales, support, product development and marketing. This is undeniable. In our experience, the concrete benefits are, for example, better deliverability of marketing and sales campaigns. This starts with the correct postal address and goes on to socio-demographic characteristics and the correct form of address. The result is efficient CRM processes that save more than just costs. After all, a strong database is an important asset and a central component of value creation for companies.

Data is silver, good data is gold

Data is silver, but good data is gold, because only from it can companies gain the information that determines market success. Analytics become more accurate, leads can be more precisely estimated, and customer interactions become more precise overall. “Get the basics right” is what we say at Schober and with the “Brahm’s staircase” we have developed a method to generate added value from data. This has also resulted in a cloud-based out-of-the-box platform. We call the solution udo and think you should get to know udo.

We will be happy to show you how to increase data quality. You are always safe and DSGVO-compliant with us, because Schober attaches great importance to data protection and security. Just log on to michaela.weisse[at] and she will help you do a free data quality check and increase sales thanks to high depth of information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact her.

Good luck and long live your sales!

Your Schober Team


Data Quality Checklist

Data quality – the five most important aspects: You use data, but can’t assess its quality? We show what matters. Are you running top campaigns but not achieving the expected goals? We show you where you can start. You simply want more value from your data?

You can get our Data Quality Checklist here – it gives you the insider tips you need.


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How Viking wins new customers

B2B e-mail marketing for new customer acquisition

  • New acquisition channels for efficient B2B growth in Europe
  • Success in data-driven marketing depends on data quality
  • E-mail convinces and activates thousands of new customers
Viking Akquise mit E-Mail

Office Depot Germany/Viking: International shipper of office supplies

Scissors, stamps, furniture or cleaning supplies – if you’re looking for office supplies, you’re in good hands at Viking in Germany. The office supplies retail brand, which is part of the European Office Depot group, is now successful in eight European countries and employs over 1,500 people in Europe. Viking’s recipe for success: one stop store for your workplace, innovative and data-driven marketing, and great customer service.

Challenge: New acquisition channels for efficient B2B growth in Europe

In order to grow across Europe, acquire new customers and expand existing customers, Viking relies on the Schober data universe in combination with the analysis and marketing expertise of the Schober Information Group. In addition to tried-and-true marketing – SEO, SEM, catalog mailings and field sales, Viking has developed new ways with Schober: 1. data quality assurance 2. market potential analyses & target group clustering as well as 3. international B2B e-mail marketing.

Viking office supplies

Image source: envato

Solution: Data Quality, Analysis & Scoring, B2B Emailing

Success in data-driven marketing depends on data quality. Therefore, Viking and Schober start with a data quality check including data enrichment. Now we have enough data for analyses: What addressable market potential is there in Europe, in Germany, in the UK? Which types of companies predominate? What are the portfolio synergies? These are examples of questions from the potential and customer value analyses that lead to target group clustering. Company potentials targeted by Viking via email campaigns to specific groups.

E-mail convinces and activates thousands of new customers

What comes out? Viking and Schober initially carry out analyses and e-mail marketing in Germany with great success. Thousands of new customers are convinced, so that the positive experience is also transferred to other European markets: After Austria and the UK, the next market on the agenda is Belgium. With international data partners and its data expertise, Schober manages the international roll-out of B2B marketing campaigns.

Outlook: Constant dripping wears the stone instead of mayflies

Viking is so pleased with the success that they have scaled up: Data quality and data enrichment run monthly – as do analytics and scoring. The return on marketing investment is particularly interesting when compared to search engine marketing. Why? “Contacts we acquire via search engines are usually only seen once. We can turn customers from Schober email campaigns into loyal existing customers. This is exactly in line with our positioning: One Stop Shop for your workplace, innovative and data-driven marketing and great customer service,” says Sandy Kirchhoff, Senior Manager Commercial Marketing Europe


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The prospectus is dead, long live the prospectus

Measure campaigns and advertising success with geofencing

“What is our return on marketing investment?”

“Do digital or analog forms of advertising provide the higher revenue boost?”

All marketers know these important questions. But answers are hard to come by: many factors interact and there is usually a lack of data for a reliable analysis. This applies, for example, to the classic in the retail trade: the brochure. But there is a way to get to the bottom of the success factors. We took a look at digital and printed brochures in comparison. The result is already surprising, but even more exciting is the method.


How did we proceed?

Geodata makes customer paths visible

Digital marketing usually also generates data for campaign evaluation at the same time. This is different for offline measures. The brochure of, say, a nationwide retail chain in the mailbox does not send a response as soon as it is read. Nevertheless, it is possible to determine the advertising impact of the brochure – using Schober Geofencing.

This method uses smartphones as a database, on which users allow certain apps to access their location. The Device then sends motion points with timestamps to the App Publisher. Schober buys this data (the database currently contains over 52 million unique mobile IDs) and matches it against the Schober data universe in accordance with data protection regulations. Now, based on these IDs, we can narrow down to the desired locations and times using geographically accurate polygons.

Revolutionary use cases of Schober Geofencing

catchment area

Catchment area

In this way, the initially “data-less” offline measures can be provided with data for measuring the efficiency of these measures. What you couldn’t see before now becomes transparent. This results in revolutionary use cases:

  • Analysis of visitor profiles using third-party data plus a comprehensive analysis of catchment areas
  • Formation of realistic personas as a basis for qualified and individual target customer approach
  • Optimized targeting of store visitors (including competitors’ store visitors)
  • High-five analyses of the competition in time and space
  • And, of course, measuring campaigns and advertising success in terms of actual store visitors. After all, anyone who reads the printed brochure and feels addressed will also come to the store to make a purchase.

Classic brochure or not?

Store visitors

Store visitors

So much for the method, but what has the greater advertising impact? The analysis based on the matched data shows that there is no universal answer, because the result depends on socio-demographic structure, competitive environment, store locations and other aspects. From several projects, however, which we have carried out nationwide for different retailers and specialty chains
have performed, one can derive the following rules:

  • Digital brochures are effective and ensure a higher frequency of visits to the stores.
  • Printed brochures also have a good advertising impact, which is reflected in higher numbers of visitors to the stores.
  • Digital and printed brochures activate very different groups of buyers – as shown by various profile analyses at zip code level.
  • Digital brochures appeal to a younger and more open-minded target group, while printed brochures attract customers with significantly more purchasing power.
  • Measures that incorporate real-life shopping routes for store visitors work particularly well. In other words, anyone who visits a gym is also interested in sports equipment suppliers on their way to the gym.
  • The best advertising impact is achieved by cross-media campaigns that use radio or TV in addition to brochures.

The surprise? The brochure is and remains a strongly activating element in advertising. Digital advertising formats can complement very well, but they are unlikely to replace the brochure in the foreseeable future. What’s more, anyone looking for purchasing power is printing.

Sven Waldenmaier

Offline and online advertising measurement

Measuring campaign and advertising success has been a particular challenge for offline campaigns. But with Schober Geofencing and the right analysis steps, advertising measures in their entirety – online and offline – can be precisely recorded, evaluated and optimized for maximum sales boost.

What are your experiences? Have you faced similar challenges? Do you use geospatial data in your marketing?

Our geomarketing specialist Sven Waldenmaier is looking forward to learning more and entering into a dialog with you. Feel free to contact him directly HERE.


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Sales can only bubble up where there are customers

With geo-analytics for customer loyalty

Hotspots for the new store concept: Where have customers migrated to and how do companies retain newly acquired customers?


by Sven Waldenmaier, Geo Specialist and Teamlead Sales at Schober

There is no doubt that the Corona pandemic had a strong impact on the store business and customer loyalty. For a long time, stores were closed altogether, so consumers sought alternative ways to shop. But which developments will remain, which will disappear? A large drugstore chain approached us with this question. The aim: to review the store network and realign it if necessary. Because sales can only bubble up where there are customers. So where are the customers?

Evaluate spaces qualitatively and quantitatively

The starting point of our analyses were two central questions. First, how can areas be quantitatively assessed using data to identify hotspots? Secondly, it was also about a qualitative classification of customers. After all, it is of little use if you operate a store at a frequented location but there is little demand for the drugstore’s offering there. A gas station in the pedestrian zone makes no sense, that is immediately clear. For less obvious cases, however, business decision-makers need more in-depth information – on the purchasing power of pedestrian flows, for example. This is because, in extreme cases, the costs for the store can be higher than the sales that can be generated. The Apple Group may take that on itself with its brand stores, because it’s all about awareness here. Our drugstore chain, however, pursues a different business model, with the store as the central distribution channel.

We therefore started with a nationwide analysis of pedestrian flows in around 200 areas with a high density of stores – i.e. pedestrian zones, city center locations and shopping centers. The Schober Information Group has more than 55 million “Unique Mobile IDs”. On the basis of these anonymized identifiers, which comply with data protection regulations, pedestrian flows in defined areas can be read and interpreted. The procedure in detail:

  • Step 1: Definition of grids (170m edge length) around the respective location of the existing stores.
  • Step 2: Specification of the pedestrian frequency per grid. How does this compare to the national average, and how does it compare to other downtown areas?
  • Step 3: How high is the proportion of people with an affinity for drugstores in the respective area compared to Germany as a whole?

Qualify, qualify, qualify

Step three is crucial for supplementing the initially purely quantitative view with qualitative characteristics and thus gaining truly sales-promoting insights. Based on affinities, pedestrian flows and store visitors can be more precisely qualified and conclusions drawn about interests. Anyone who goes to a gym three times a week has a higher affinity for sportswear and personal care (at least I hope so) than other passersby. On the other hand, people who stroll through the pedestrian zone of a large city every day (even on Sundays) are more likely to be looking for entertainment than specifically for purchases. Those who primarily frequent discount stores are more price sensitive than the subscriber to a high-end luxury spa downtown. Which competitors have visitors to my drugstore visited before and what do they buy then? Now, the data is collected anonymously, but crucial insights can be drawn from the aggregate.

Along the analog customer journey

Even more insights are gained by using third-party data – such as the Schober data universe – for the analysis. Our drugstore chain specifically used this sociodemographic data to additionally determine purchasing power, family structure, living conditions and many other attributes of the pedestrian flows in the store environment and the store visitors. In this way, it is possible to see how the residents of a villa suburb with high purchasing power prefer to store or where families from the “Speckgürtel” of Hamburg, Dresden or Cottbus go shopping. The examples show: Geomarketing makes the analog customer journey – places, routes, purchases – of customers transparent and thus controllable.

Profiling so that customers and suppliers benefit equally

After all, only those who know where their target customers spend their time, where they go shopping, and what other interests they have can create target group and visitor analyses with a high degree of precision. This is the prerequisite for profiling the target groups according to personas and, as a result, for a sales-boosting approach: at which location should billboards draw attention to the store offer, where should brochures be distributed, who should be lured into the outlet with offers? In addition, locations can be accurately assessed and hotspots identified. If you profile your target groups, you can respond more precisely to their demand and make offers where it is highly likely that sales can be turned around. And in the same way, these insights can also be used to make targeted online offers that supplement the branch network as the main sales channel at key points.

What remains, what disappears?

So back to the drugstore chain and the consequences of the pandemic: How badly has the store environment suffered? How much did the frequency of store visitors decline and how quickly did it recover after the lockdowns? What is the role of incidence values, location, environment? We had investigated this and, in the case of drugstores, found increasing store visits. Of course, because drugstores, as suppliers of daily necessities, remained open during the lockdown – in contrast to perfumeries and sports stores, which had to switch completely to online.

Geofencing procedure

Procedure geofencing analysis

The migration of customers away from specialist retailers is therefore actually an influx for drugstores – new customers were gained in the high-priced fragrance segment, among others, and sporting goods were also in high demand. Will new customers remain loyal to drugstores after the lockdown? The analyses from geomarketing show that a remarkable 17% of customers who frequented different chain stores before the lockdown remain exclusively with drugstores after the lockdown. The optimal response to this change depends on the perspective: Specialty retailers such as perfumeries and sporting goods stores attract – according to the analysis of passers-by and visitor flows – above all a clientele with purchasing power in the 40 to 59 age group, who also otherwise move around spas and beauty salons, exclusive fashion boutiques and delicatessens. To win back these customers, retailers would have to expand their stores in the identified hotspots. Drugstores, on the other hand, should supplement their traditional high-turnover locations in the vicinity of cinemas, fitness studios or stores for baby supplies with new locations in lifestyle hotspots with an extended product range. In addition to the choice of location, joint marketing activities with suitable corporate partners from the areas identified by geomarketing are also promising – cross-selling and co-marketing can sustainably bind the new customers.

The biggest competitor, however, remains purchasing on the Internet. That’s why all chain stores should follow three maxims: Invest in hotspots and the right assortment, complete your branch offering with a web store and, above all, think branch and online store together. After all, retailers only generate revenue if they are present in the exact place where their customers are.

Seven key questions: Is your branch network optimally aligned?

  1. Do you know who visits your stores and with what frequency?
  2. Can you identify hotspots nationwide?
  3. Where do customers migrate to, where do you gain customers from?
  4. Are you leveraging your cross-selling and upselling potential against neighboring businesses?
  5. Do you know the analog and digital customer journey of your target groups?
  6. Can you profile target groups for a sales-boosting approach?
  7. Do you think branch and online business integrated?


Sven Waldenmaier

Let’s talk about your individual challenges!

I look forward to learning more and engaging in dialogue with you.

Feel free to contact me directly HERE.

Your Sven Waldenmaier





This article appeared on 21.06.2021 in Marketingbörse magazine, among others.


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bruno banani relies on udo as a sales turbo

  • Customer Journey Analysis & Control through udo, the Customer Data Platform (CDP “PLUS”) from Schober
  • Connected marketing personal and automatic for campaigns like #Free State of Mind bruno banani (#FSOMBB)
  • Consulting firm Sherlock & Watson designs and advises

Stuttgart, 28.09. 2020 – The Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH has once again convinced: The underwear and lifestyle label bruno banani has chosen udo (universal data orchestration) platform introduced, a next-generation CDP “PLUS”. udo has been live since September 2020. With the new platform for data-driven marketing, bruno banani is taking off and taking customers on a journey – for example, to the virtual “new land” of the #FSOMBB campaign. A CRM database first brings together all available data sources. Then, analytics, AI, and visualization determine the crucial insights from the customer journeys so that bruno banani can address target groups in a cross-channel, personalized, and successful manner. The control center is a management cockpit with a marketing plan, campaign management, KPIs and controlling. The project was realized by the Schober Information Group together with the consulting firm Sherlock & Watson Marketing and Data Investigations as implementation partner.


What does digitization mean for bruno banani? Data as an asset!

“Retail is changing, and so is the media,” says Jan Jassner, Managing Director of bruno banani, to outline the initial situation of the project: “So what does digitalization mean for bruno banani? In addition to specialist retailers, there are more and more sales channels with direct customer contact. That’s why we need our own and direct customer access for growth. At the same time, the channels for addressing customers are differentiating and multiplying.” So it’s clear: bruno banani needs to know more about its customers in order to master structural change. The key is customer data. And so bruno banani decides to systematically develop data as an asset.


Future question: How does bruno banani gain knowledge about customers from data?

Data from webshop, newsletter and other data sources were available, but a consolidated overall view and evaluation tools were missing. In the discussion with consulting firm Sherlock & Watson, however, it quickly became clear – according to Jan Jassner – that the first step was to clarify the status quo, goals and structures before looking for a suitable technology. Finally, after intensive market evaluation, the decision is made in favor of udo, because “the question for the future is: How does bruno banani gain knowledge about customers from data? If you don’t know your customers, you can’t fulfill their wishes,” says Jan Jassner. And udo is convincing because it offers high flexibility in data mapping, excellent evaluation options, visualization, data excellence, DSGVO compliance and the option of a financial and management dashboard.


No sooner said than done: now udo is learning for bruno

bruno banani advertising image 2

Image source: bruno banani underwear GmbH

In March, a team from Sherlock & Watson and Schober will start Phase II of the implementation: In several workshops, interfaces will be defined, data models designed and a wide variety of data sources linked. A CRM database with all customer, product and transaction data is created. Whether web store, outlet or retailer, the goal is a 360-degree view. Phase III follows, in which Schober data is used to ensure data quality and lay the foundation for analytics, persona building and integrated artificial intelligence. In the final phase, the team develops data-driven campaigns that correlate customers, measures, and results. This allows udo and its AI to learn from the experience and determine which customer is best approached when, how and on which channel. The deeper understanding of the customer journey provides target group-specific triggers and automatically and efficiently controls the corresponding campaigns. The customers are happy: Welcome to the Free State of Mind bruno banani – not for everybody!


“We’ve been revolutionizing lingerie drawers since 1993, and now we’re also revolutionizing our marketing and all customer communications. bruno banani is ideally positioned with udo to systematically tap into data as an asset,” says Jan Jassner, Managing Director bruno banani GmbH. “The team at Schober and Sherlock & Watson has opened up incredible horizons for us. bruno banani now has great opportunities in marketing. Working with both project partners is a tremendous asset. I am looking forward to the upcoming campaigns for #FSOMBB,” says Jan Jassner, Managing Director bruno banani GmbH.


“bruno banani is setting new standards in data-driven marketing. udo finally makes the 360-degree customer view real, analyzes the customer journey in real time and individualizes customer interaction across channels,” says Martin Brahm, Chief Sales Officer of Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH.


About bruno banani underwear GmbH:

The international cult brand for underwear and swimwear, based in Chemnitz, Germany, has been revolutionizing lingerie drawers all over the world since 1993. Founded by the business economist Wolfgang Jassner, the company wrote marketing and sales history within a very short time: campaigns such as the luge named Bruno Banani at the Olympic Games or the test of bruno banani underwear in space on the MIR space station brought the family business international attention. Meanwhile, bruno banani exports to 17 countries worldwide and has granted various product licenses. The products are available through the online store, outlet stores, and select specialty retail stores.


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Case studies from the energy industry

5 adjusting screws in the customer life cycle

Acquiring new customers is more time-consuming and therefore more costly than maintaining existing customers.

This is especially true in markets with long product lifecycles and low emotional differentiation among competitors.

Electricity, gas and water do not electrify in the same way as fashionable consumer goods or hip lifestyle products.

Therefore, in these industries, the customer lifecycle is the key lever for revenue and customer retention.

Stellschrauben im Energiemarkt Kundenlebenszyklus

Of course, priority one: existing customers

While for new customers it’s all about gaining and maintaining attention, for existing customers the focus is on building on the existing relationship and increasing loyalty. The energy industry shows this very vividly: The willingness to switch electricity, gas and water is constantly increasing and is further fueled by sales and comparison portals (more on this in our white paper: “Marketing and sales in liberalized energy markets“). Of course, if you lose existing customers, you need at least the same number of new customers to maintain the status quo alone. Assuming that new customers cost around five times more than retaining an existing customer, priority one is clear: nurture existing customers – and develop new customers into existing customers.

1. customer life cycle – it’s the data that counts

Sales professionals and marketers in industries such as energy, as well as telecom or insurance, need more than others to gain deep customer insights and actively engage with their customers’ needs in order to make enticing offers. To do this, they need the right technical foundation and data, because the key to long-term customer loyalty is ongoing data-driven evaluation of customer needs at every stage of the customer lifecycle. Only those who know the life cycle of their customers can expand the customer relationship with valuable offers and increase loyalty. This is where udo helps.

2. customer value and potential analyses

Because udo von Schober offers detailed analyses of customer data, for example as a customer value analysis. Existing business partners and customers are systematized according to their previous contribution to sales. The respective customer value then shows which existing customers are particularly attractive in terms of sales and how their shopping cart can be increased. In the case of utilities, for example, the e-charging station can be an attractive addition to the electricity contract. In addition to analyzing the inventory, this also makes it possible to forecast the future potential for sales.

3. data quality and data networking – are the data up-to-date?

As simple as that sounds, customers change. They move, downsize, merge, change names or preferences, and more. So if you want to gain a realistic assessment of potential, you need a trustworthy and up-to-date basis. A valid database is one of the biggest success factors in customer interaction. This also includes the networking of data among each other. Because if databases – CRM, ERP, Consent data, PIM, billing data, and more – remain disconnected and cannot be crisscross-validated, if data sets are incorrect, incomplete, or outdated, data-driven marketing cannot succeed.

Practical tip: Unsure about your own data quality? The Schober Quality Check helps and provides you with a non-binding in-depth analysis of your data. We match your inventory with the Schober data universe (4.6 million B2B data, 58 million B2C data and over 80 million mobile IDs), determine the degree of up-to-dateness and concretely point out possible need for action.


4. personalized interaction with value or “off to the bathroom

Turning new customers into existing customers

Image source: ThisIsEngineering, Pexels

Customers only buy products or services if they promise benefits and added value. The same is true for customer interaction. If you want to retain customers and develop them into loyal existing customers, you also have to make customer interactions personally useful and of value. Purchase history, age and housing conditions offer initial clues for action. Truly personalized interaction, however, requires more: Can a new electricity customer be targeted with an annual ticket for the municipal swimming pools? To estimate this, one needs additional data. Those who have the necessary insights can also send marketing and sales to the right communication channels in a targeted manner with value-added interaction.

5. termination prevention through segmentation and personas

Deciding on the optimal product and communication strategy, the loyalty programs or the appropriate channels succeeds by first segmenting customers. Segments as bundles of characteristics can additionally be condensed into personas. Similar to a short biography, personas describe relevant customer characteristics in detail. These help to respond to customer wishes with maximum precision and to implement target group-appropriate measures.

But patterns can also be seen where terminations are expected soon. The “soon-to-be-terminated” persona can be won back – if it is recognized – before the termination even occurs. The attractive product combination of electricity, public transport and Internet or the new eco-electricity offer do wonders for customers. The company saves the cost of acquiring new customers.

Marketing and sales can actively influence the switching needs of end customers in a targeted manner by using existing customer information. But some fluctuation is inevitable – fortunately, even among competitors.

Develop new customers into existing customers? Who knows the set screws and has udo …

If you’re thinking “Sure, that’s great, we’ve tried that, but customer lifecycle management is very challenging,” you’re right. Yes, it is challenging. But at Schober, we’ve been shaping the future of sales and marketing for over 70 years. And so a cloud-based out-of-the-box platform for managing customer data (Customer Data Platform – CDP) has emerged from the method presented. We call the solution udo and think you should get to know udo. We’ll be happy to show you how easy udo makes customer lifecycle management.

Good luck and long live your sales!

Your Schober Team


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